Inglês, perguntado por catarina40168, 8 meses atrás

Complete as frases abaixo com a forma

correta do verbo entre parênteses conjugado no PAST

SIMPLE. Fique atento(a) as regras dos regular and

irregular verbs.

1) They _________________ us about it. (to tell)

2) Sebastian _________________ in the Mexico City

for two weeks. (to stay)

3) I _______________ Helen yesterday in the garden.

(to see)

4) The teacher __________________ his lesson well.

(to prepare)

5) Martha ______________ home very late yesterday.

(to arrive​)

me ajudaaa

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Wanxian


1) They told us about it.

2) Sebastian stayed in the Mexico City for two weeks.

3) I saw Helen yesterday in the garden.

4) The teacher prepared his lesson well.

5) Martha arrived home very late yesterday.


Para conjugar os verbos regulares no passado simples basta adicionar -ed.

Para conjugar os verbos irregulares no passado simples não há regra, tem que olhar em uma tabela.

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