Inglês, perguntado por priscilamilena, 1 ano atrás


1. Do you receive junk mail from....
2. she said that....
3. Instead of sending her a text, you should...

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por genryuusaiy
1. the restaurants
2. she is going to move to las vegas
3. show up in her house and tell her you feel so sorry for what you did

como não se tinha um tópico descrito, somente acrescentei algo q faria sentido a conversa.

espero ter ajudado!

priscilamilena: Ajudou e muito! obrigada.
priscilamilena: Pode ajudar nessa também?
priscilamilena: ENSINO MÉDIO (SECUNDÁRIO) INGLÊS 6+3 pts

You wouldn't believe that, .... (Would you/wouldn't you/would I)

She is sneezing a lot because of the....(reflection/cloud/dust)

Barack Obama.... Honolulu, Hawaii. (Was born in/ was born on/ is not from)

In the USA, you can drive when you are ..(14years ould/18years old/16years old)

You're huding something from me, ...(aren't you/ isn't he/ are you)

She goes to the beach.... She travels to Miami. (Whenever/ whatever/wherever)
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