Inglês, perguntado por scarlett43, 2 meses atrás

Coloque os verbos que estão entre parênteses na forma do presente perfeito (usando have ou has de acordo com o sujeito), lembre-se que todos são regulares, ou seja, terminam com ed

2 _______molly______your letter? (answer)

3 She likes him but she__________never_______him. (love)

4 You__________very hard. You can do better work than this.(not/try)

5 Why are the police here?__________? (happen)

6 My cousins are coming this weekend. They___________ with me before. (not/stay)

7 She__________ university and__________working in london now . (finish/start)

8 Thank you for everything. You______ me a lot. (help)

9 __________you________ the dishes? (wash)​​​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ciliriomariajoaquina


2-has molly answered...

3-she likes him but she has never  loved him.

4- have tryed

5-   have happened

6-have stayed

7- has finished, has started

8- have helped

9- have you washed the dishes

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