Inglês, perguntado por fontourafranciene, 7 meses atrás

coloque as palavras na ordem correta:

a) are-going to-we-the-market-now
b) they-make-are-going to-to-puzzles
c) make-a-mother-is-going to-my-cake
d) my-are-going to-see-friends-a-movie
e) brother-my-going to-sell-is-his-car
f) my-wash-the-is-going to-dad-car
g) I-going to-am-buy-new-a-computer
h) Sister-is-going to-my-move-to-paris

respondem rápido prfvr!!!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Theodoro93


A: We are going to the market now

B: They are going to make puzzles

C: My mother is going to make my cake

D: My friends are going to see a movie

E: My brother is going to sell his car

F: My dad is going to wash the car

G: I am going to buy a new computer

H: My sister is going to move to Paris


A frase afirmativa com GOING TO é formada na seguinte ordem:

Sujeito + verbo to be + going to + verbo principal + predicado

Exemplo: I (sujeito) am (verbo to be) going to work (verbo principal) tomorrow (predicado)

fontourafranciene: muito obgd!!!
Theodoro93: Muito de nada rsrs não esqueça de marcar como melhor resposta pra dar aquela forcinha
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