Inglês, perguntado por cs6577981owv4mq, 11 meses atrás

Coloque as na forma negativa e interrogativa ..
A) I am your teachei.

B) they're from Brasil.

C) It's barking for hours!

D) you are completely wrong.

E) I am big fan of yours.

Responde pfv vai me ajudar muito tem q ter a resposta do negativa e interrogativa

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Milacarolayne
A) I am your teacher
neg.- I amn't your teacher
int.- Am I your teacher?

B) They're from Brazil.
neg.- They aren't from Brazil
int.- Are They from brazil ?

C) It's barking for hours
neg.- It isn't barking four hours
int.- Is It baking four hours ?

D) you are completly wrong.
neg.- You aren't completly wrong?

E) I am big fan of yours.
neg.- I amn't big fan of yours
int.- Am I big fan of yours ?

Milacarolayne: D) neg.- You aren't completly wrong *
Milacarolayne: D) int.- Are You completly wrong ?
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