Inglês, perguntado por letvaitomarnocu26, 1 ano atrás

CNA new platinum - unit 5 (writing)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por avelunchazz
olá! tudo bem contigo?

pelo o que entendi do texto você precisa responder um e-mail de uma amiga que está apaixonada por um cara que possui transtorno de acumulação compulsiva, certo?

utilize uma linguagem não necessariamente formal já que ocorre certa intimidade, phrasal verbs e o casual que sempre falam

no texto em si você pode falar sobre o acompanhamente médico com o uso de antidepressivos e terapia cognitivo-comportamental (fale para ela conversar com ele a respeito e convecer por um possível tratamento)

é basicamente isso

espero ter ajudado :)
Respondido por zenervitor


Hello, Kate

I know our friendship have seen better days but I am glad you remembered me to help you, it was sweet! That is a really delicate situation, I was thinking about how could advice you and could only think about something similar that happened to me. Once I was dating a girl who has an alcoholic, I really liked him but alcohol overtime became a problem in our relationship I blamed him for that I did not realize at that time it was a real problem. However, I have good and bad news for you. The good one, his reluctant behavior shows that he cares about you and what you think, he is certainly one of a kind. On the other hand he should look for psychological support since this can be a disorder. In my opinion, you have to encourage him to look for professional help and if he really up for being with you in the future he will be on. You have to talk him and be clear. But if him does not shows that he is not out for changes you deserve better. A Brand new guy.

Best Regards,

Put Your Name


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