Inglês, perguntado por mimsantana, 3 meses atrás

CNA Gold 2 unit 1 Language Workout 1
Page: 19



Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

1. These temperature readings can't be correct; the thermometer must be malfunctioning.

2. You must be tired; you'd better get some rest.

3. I find it hard to understand musical theory. Maybe that's because playing well is natural to me. Arrogant much?

4. I have what it takes to be an astronaut. I just need a chance.

5. Sarah's incapable of hitting children. There must be another explanation for these bruises.

6. Careful in that cave; it might not be safe.

7. Let's concentrate our energy in finding a solution. The exit must be near.

8. It would be a mistake to double Michael's problem-solving capacity. He still could find the solution.

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