Classifique as palavras dos trava-línguas em inglês. POR FAVOR É URGENTE
(Exemplos 1 e 2)
1: I Saw (verbo no passado) a saw, such a saw (substantivo), i never Saw (verbo no passado).
2: She sell seashell (sea = prefixo, shell = sufixo) by the seashore (sea= prefixo, shore= sufixo)
3: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
4: Can you can a can as much as canner can can a can?
5: How much wood could a woodchuck could chuck wood?
6: Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter so Betty bought better butter to make bitter butter better.
7: Which wristwaches are Irish wristwaches and which wristwaches are Swiss wristwaches.
8: If you must cross a coarse cross cow across a crowded cow crossing, cross the coarse cross cow across the crowded cow crossing carefully
9: A problem of solving a problem is not a problem, but when a problem without any problema t all, then the problem is not a problem whatsouver.
10: If one doctor doctors another doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way rhe doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does he doctor the way doctor who is doctoring doctors does?
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especifica mais, tipo é para por presente, passado e essas coisas???
desculpa não ter ajudado... vou tentar
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