Inglês, perguntado por fire97, 6 meses atrás

Circule a alternativa correta para completar as frases. Dicas para uma entrevista de emprego de sucesso

1. Circle the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

Tips for a successful job interview

1. The first impression can make a big difference, so you MUST/ MUSTN’T
dress appropriately.

2. You SHOULDN’T / SHOULD be prepared for personal questions.

3. You MUST / SHOULDN’T use slangs.

4. You SHOULDN’T MUSTN’T have questions to ask about the interviewer
about the company. This shows interest.​​​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ssdssusi0


1- Must

2- Should

3- Shouldn't

4- Mustn't


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