Inglês, perguntado por honneybaby3464, 8 meses atrás

Chose the best alternative that has the same meaning as the sentence "He will talk to his brother after school"

A( )He going to talk to his brother after school.
B( )He's going talk to his brother after school.
C( )He's going to talk to his brother after school.
D( )He is going talk to his brother after school.
E( )He going to talk his brother after school.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por belabieberrr


Alternativa C


Respondido por MrGrando


Letra C


As partes em negrito estão faltando para as outras alternativas estarem certas.

A( )He is going to talk to his brother after school.

B( )He's going to talk to his brother after school.

C( )He's going to talk to his brother after school.

D( )He is going to talk to his brother after school.

E( )He is going to talk his brother after school.

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