Inglês, perguntado por leticiasilva7anoc, 1 ano atrás

Choose three people from the photo on the right and write a brief description about them


leticiasilva7anoc: tá aí

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por naticaichi

(nao tenho certeza que esta certo)

there is a little boy celebrating his birthday, he has light blond hair and white skin

there is a girl who is wearing a pink blouse, who has long hair and is hugging someone from her family

next to the birthday girl, there is a blonde woman wearing a orange t-shirt

and smiling...she has blond hair too

hadassacristiane: vlw
naticaichi: nadaa ;)
kaylanepagiatto17: obg
naticaichi: ;)
kaylanepagiatto17: ajudou muito
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