Inglês, perguntado por daniluhalvesh766, 2 meses atrás

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentence below. When he stopped the car, the thief _______________ away. A has run. B have run. C have ran. D had run. E had ran

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92


D had run.


past perfect an action that occurred before another

Respondido por MadalenaBR

The alternative that completes the sentence is letter ''D'' - had run

Past perfect

Tempo verbal usado para falar sobre um momento que ocorreu no passado, antes de outro momento acontecer. A estrutura do past perfect é feita com sujeito + had + verbo no particípio. Veja os exemplos abaixo:

  • David had gone when Deborah called him.
  • I had broken my right arm when I was cycling.
  • When he stopped the car, the thief had run.


Não usamos nenhum auxiliar (do - does - did). Apenas invertemos a ordem e colocamos o ''had'' no início da frase.


  • Had David gone when Deborah called him?
  • Had you broken your  right arm?
  • Had he stopped the car?

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