Inglês, perguntado por victormt19024884, 10 meses atrás

Choose the option that contains the correct use of the Past Perfect to complete the following sentence: When I
visited my friend the other day, she was busy cleaning up because she ____________________ (to drop) a
glass of water.
(A) has dropped
(B) had dropped
(C) have dropped
(D) was dropping
(E) did dropped

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por layxla


Alternativa B) had dropped


Quando a frase é afirmativa a fórmula utilizada é

Pronome + had + Past Participle

victormt19024884: explicaçao
Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Past perfect

When I  visited my friend the other day, she was busy cleaning up because she had dropped a glass of water.

(A) has dropped

(B) had dropped   √

(C) have dropped

(D) was dropping

(E) did dropped

Alternativa correta letra ''B''

⇒⇒  Past perfect >> usado quando se deseja falar sobre um momento que  

ocorreu no passado, antes de outro evento acontecer.


Sujeito + had + verbo no particípio + complemento

John had gone when Lizzy arrived.

Ed had broken his left arm when he was cycling.

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