Inglês, perguntado por Jack0001, 9 meses atrás

choose the correct alternative:
b) if i run into her, I ___ her that you're looking for her. (to tell)
( )would tell
( ) tell
( )will tell

c)if you ___ that again,i will call the police. (to do)
( )to do
( ) do
( )will do

d) he would never haver out on a date if she ___ him first. (to kiss)
( ) to do
( ) do
( )will do

e) if you were her, what ___? (to do)
( ) would you do
( ) did you do
( ) do you do ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marianietocampos
B) Will tell
D)essa questão não faz sentido porque o verbo é "to kiss" então nenhuma dessas alternativas está correta. Vc deve ter copiado errado ou algo assim
E)would you do
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