Inglês, perguntado por lehnogueira42, 10 meses atrás

Choose the appropriate noun addingment and complete the sentences
1-roger is under a serious _______ (treat/achieve)
2-in my _________ Ruth is completely right (pay/judge)
3-to participate um and kind of sports competition is na important __________ (anchieve/divelop)
4-the government os promising rapid economic ________ (develop/state)
5-his __________ caused a lot of panic (pay/state)
6-after helen received her ________ ,she bought a lot of clothes. (Anchieve/pay)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leticiaveras111
1. treat
2. judge
3. achieve (esse eu não tenho certeza)
4. development
5. state
6. pay
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