Inglês, perguntado por ryanlegends4427, 8 meses atrás

Chinese New YearChinese New Year starts on the first day of the Chinese calendar, usually in February. For many families, it is a time for feasting and visiting relatives and friends, but in the heart of the city, a spectacular procession takes place. Chinese families clean their houses to rid them of last year’s bad luck before the celebrations begin."My family and I visit our grandparents on New Year, and we take sticky rice cakes calledNian Gao with us. My outfit is very traditional. It is made of silk and it is very, very beautiful."Red is the main color for clothes and decorations at New Year because it associated with joy and happiness.1) Segundo o texto, o novo ano dos chineses inicia-se ema) march b) aprilc) february d) September.e) may.2) O texto abordaa) o novo ano dos chineses.b) como acontece o réveillon dos americanos.c) o modo de vida dos chineses durante todo o ano.d) como vivem os adolescentes chineses.e) o relacionamento entre parentes e amigos dos chineses.3) Before New Year celebrations, chineses families clean theira) lifes. b) heart.c) bedroom. d) houses.e) school.4) Localize no texto a expressão em inglês "má sorte".a) bad luck. b) New Year.c) The heart. d) For many.e) My family.5) Red is the principal color for _______________and ______________ on New Year.As palavras abaixo que completam corretamente os espaços de acordo com o texto éa) houses e rid. b) joy e happiness.c) city e family. d) bad e luck.e) clothes e decorations.6) As palavras yesterday, today e tomorrow, respectivamente traduzidas para o português sãoa) amanhã, hoje e ontem. b) hoje, ontem e amanhã.c) ontem, hoje e amanhã. d) amanhã, hoje e ontem.e) amanhã, ontem e hoje.What is happening now?Temperatures have risen during the last 30 years, and 2001 to 2010 was the warmest decade ever record. As the Earth warms up, heat waves are becoming more common in some places, including the United States. Heat waves happen when a region experiences very high temperatures for several days and nights.7) A finalidade do texto éa) inform.b) bring a reflection.c) criticize.d) announce.e) pesonal8) Segundo o textoa) as temperaturas diminuíram nos últimos 10 anos.b) as temperaturas aumentaram nos últimos 20 anos.c) as temperaturas aumentaram na última década.d) as temperaturas mudaram o comportamento dos americanos.e) as temperaturas aumentaram nos últimos 50 anos.9) Por que as ondas de calor ocorrem em algumas regiões?a) Because 2001 to 2010 was the coldest decade in the world.b) Because the region experiences very high temperatures for several days and nights.c) Because the regions experiences very low temperatures for several days e nights.d) Because the region suffers from natural disasters.e) Because the regions experience very low temperatures for several years during the days10) A expressão: "... as ondas de calor estão se tornando mais comuns...", no texto é:a) " the Earth warms up..."b) "...heat waves happen when a region experiences..."c) "...high temperatures for several days and nights."d) "...heat waves are becoming more common..."e) "…heat waves happen when a region gets cold…"

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por karinalimaedavi755


1) c) february.

2)a) o novo ano dos chineses.

3) d) house.

4)a) bad luck.

5)e) clothes and decorations.

6)c)ontem, hoje e amanhã


As questões 8, 9 e 10 eu não compreendi.

Respondido por mkrukalves














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