Inglês, perguntado por leonardo1533777, 6 meses atrás

Change the verbs to the “Gerund” :

1 – to move ____________________ 30 – to believe _____________________

2 – to put ____________________ 31 – to start _____________________

3 – to prefer ____________________ 32 – to control _____________________

4 – to open ____________________ 33 – to speak _____________________

5 – to sing ____________________ 34 – to get _____________________

6 – to write _____________________ 35 – to plan _____________________

7 – to sleep _____________________ 36 – to bring _____________________

8 – to begin _____________________ 37 – to forget _____________________

9 – to carry _____________________ 38 – to enter _____________________

10- to swim _____________________ 39 – to find _____________________

11- to arrive _____________________ 40 – to play _____________________

18 – to sing _____________________ 41 – to drive _____________________

19 – to spend ____________________ 42 – to go _____________________

20 – to say ______________________ 43 – to eat _____________________

21 – to stop _____________________ 44 – to build _____________________

22 – to read _____________________ 45 – to do _____________________

23 - to give _____________________ 46 – to say ______________________

24 – to buy ______________________ 47 – to begin ______________________

25 – to wish _____________________ 48 – to correct _____________________

26 – to pass _____________________ 49 – to try ______________________

27 – to listen _____________________ 50 – to prefer _______________________

28 – to rain _______________________ 51 – to travel ______________________

29 – to enter ______________________ 52– to run _______________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por albinojuanc92

1 – to move moving


2 – to put putting

3 – to prefer prefering

4 – to open opening

5 – to sing singing

6 – to write writing

7 – to sleep sleeping

8 – to begin beginning

9 – to carry carrying

10- to swim swiming

11- to arrive arriving

18 – to sing singing

19 – to spend spending

20 – to say saying

21 – to stop stoping

22 – to read reading

23 - to give giving

24 – to buy buying

25 – to wish wishing


26 – to pass passing

27 – to listen listening

28 – to rain raining

29 – to enter entering

30 – to believe believing

31 – to start starting

32 – to control controling

33 – to speak speaking

34 – to get getting

35 – to plan planning

36 – to bring bringing

37 – to forget forgeting

38 – to enter entering

39 – to find finding

40 – to play paying

41 – to drive driving

42 – to go going

43 – to eat eating

44 – to build building

45 – to do doing

46 – to say saying

47 – to begin beginning

48 – to correct correcting

49 – to try trying

50 – to prefer prefering

51 – to travel traveling

52– to run  running

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