Inglês, perguntado por davivelloso06, 8 meses atrás

C.Change the sentences to negative and interrogative forms:
1.The boys ate big sandwiches last night.
2.Helen made coffee yesterday morning.
3.Anne played tennis last weekend.
4.Alice and Chris were in Rio last Summer.
5.Wallace gave his mother a beautiful present.
6.My sister was a college student last year.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anavitoriafc14p6ki5x

1.The boys ate big sandwiches last night.

negative: The boys didn't eat big sandwiches last nigth.

interrogative: Did the boys eat big sandwiches last nigth?

2.Helen made coffee yesterday morning.

negative: Helen didn't make coffee yesterday morning.

interrogative: Did Helen make coffee yesterday morning?

3.Anne played tennis last weekend.

negative: Anne didn't play tennis last weekend.

interrogative: Did Anne play tennis last weekend?

4.Alice and Chris were in Rio last Summer.

negative: Alice and Chris weren't in Rio last Summer.

interrogative: Were Alice and Chris in Rio last Summer?

5.Wallace gave his mother a beautiful present.

negative: Wallace didn't give his mother a beautiful present.

interrogative: Did Wallace give his mother a beautiful present?

6.My sister was a college student last year.

negative: My sister wasn't a college student last year.

interrogative: Was my sister a college student last year?

Espero ter ajudado!

Respondido por DuuudsLD

Frase 1 :

Passando para a frase interrogativa : Did the boys ate big sandwiches last night ?

Passando para a frase negativa : The boys doesn't ate big sandwiches last night

Fase 2 :

Passando para a frase interrogativa : Does Helen made coffee yesterday morning ?

Passando para a frase negativa : Helen doesn't made coffee yesterday morning

Frase 3 :

Passando para a frase interrogativa : Does anne played tennis last weekend ?

Passando para a frase negativa : Anne doesn't played tennis last weekend

Frase 4 :

Passando para a frase interrogativa : Were Alice and Chris in Rio last summer ?

Passando para a frase negativa : Alice and Chris weren't in Rio last summer

Frase 5 :

Passando para a frase interrogativa : Wallace don't gave his mother a beautiful present

Passando para a frase negativa : Did Wallace gave his mother a beautiful present ?

Frase 6 :

Passando para a frase interrogativa : Was my sister a college student last year ?

Passando para a frase negativa : My sister wasn't a college student last year

Obs : Weren't = were + not

         Doesn't= Does + not

         wasn't= was + not

          don't = do + not

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