Building a story using the following sentences:
a baby cries,
a baby sucks on a bottle,
a chair rocks,
a baby whines,
to feed a baby,
to be breathless,
to put a baby in a crib,
to fill up a milk bottle,
Soluções para a tarefa
The Baby
I was a baby a many years ago, but now I'm a young. Another day, i saw a baby who remember me how I was someday...
This baby cries, suck on a bottle and make every other things of baby do - Like me. His mom was feeding him with milk in a bottle,shurt, and later of this they was rocking on a chair to make him sleep... The Mom put him in a crib and was possible listen his breath, like an engel.
This is the story of a baby who remember how we grow faster than we imagine... Today, I dream in to be a baby again.
Espero ter ajudado, té mais (:
1) Sendo os significados das frases:
a baby cries, - um bebê chora
a baby sucks on a bottle - um bebê mama na mamadeira
a chair rocks, = uma cadeira balança
a baby whines = um bebê choraminga
to feed a baby = alimentar um bebê
to be breathless, = ficar sem fôlego
to put a baby in a crib, = colocar um bebê no berço
to fill up a milk bottle = encher uma garrafa de leite
2) História em inglês:
Once upon a time there was mom with her first just born baby on her arms. As soon as she put him in the crib, it started to whine. Assuming the baby was hungry, she tries to prepare a milk bottle, she realizes she ran out of milk.
She had no choice but ask her husband to go as fast as possible to fill up the milk bottle. The poor man ran so much that he arrived home breathless. At that point, te baby was already crying.
She took him, sat on a chair so she could feed the baby and, as it started to rock, the baby started to suck on the bottle and calm down.
3) Tradução:
Era uma vez uma mãe com seu primeiro bebê recém-nascido nos braços. Assim que ela o colocou no berço, começou a choramingar. Assumindo que o bebê estava com fome, ela tenta preparar uma mamadeira e percebe que ficou sem leite.
Ela não teve outra escolha se não ao marido que fosse o mais rápido possível para encher a garrafa de leite. O pobre homem correu tanto que chegou em casa sem fôlego. Nesse ponto, o bebê já estava chorando.
Ela o pegou, sentou-se em uma cadeira para poder alimentar o bebê e, quando começou a cadeira balançar, o bebê começou a sugar a mamadeira e se acalmar.
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