Inglês, perguntado por moreiragleysiane123, 3 meses atrás

be going na forma negativa

1. Mister Sebel __________(not check) our homework today.

2.   I  ___________(not drink) that coffee, it's too cold.

3.   Garth Brooks  __________(not sing) my favourite song tonight.

4.   Melanie and Sarah  ___________(not go out) on Friday.

5.   Jim and I  ___________(not play) GTA 5 anymore.

6.   They  ____________(not cycle) to school tomorrow.

7.   Samantha  __________(not cook) dinner tonight.

8.   I  __________(not phone) the doctor about this.

9.   Luke  __________(not help) his father.

10.We  ___________(not study) for this test.​

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Be going to  >>  negative form

1.   Mister Sebel is not going to check our homework today.

2.   I  am not going to drink that coffee, it's too cold.

3.   Garth Brooks  is not going to sing my favourite song tonight.

4.   Melanie and Sarah  are not going to  go out on Friday.

5.   Jim and I  are not going to play GTA 5 anymore.

6.   They  are not going to  cycle to school tomorrow.

7.   Samantha  is not going to cook dinner tonight.

8.   I  am not going to phone the doctor about this.

9.   Luke  is not going to help his father.

10. We are not going to study for this test.​

>>   Be Going To

→→   Future with going to >> futuro certo - Uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.  

Estrutura ''be going to''

verb to be + going to + verbo

She is going to move to a new house tomorrow.

They are going to clean the room tonight.

I am going to the grocery in the afternoon.

David is going to arrive late today.

→  Negative form  

verb to be NOT + going to + verbo

She is NOT going to move to a new house tomorrow.

They are NOT going to clean the room tonight.

I am  NOT going to the grocery in the afternoon.

David is  NOT going to arrive late today.

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