Baseado nas informações que você adquiriu nas aulas, leia parte da autobiografia e faça o que se pede.
I sit on my desk with vivid memories of my childhood. It's almost as if my visions are projected in front of me, almost as if I can spring into them and reenact my sweet childhood.
I remember my day trips out with my family. We were together as a whole then, and I was full to the brim with love. I remember my mum joining me on the 'gentle' rides while my dad videotaped my laughs and my joys.
I felt induced to return my love and appreciation to my family. I'm always being told that I was an energetic, affectionate young one. I always used to say "Hello" to people and bare my teeth with a cheesy grin. Everything was as normal as could be, but then, in 1995, my parents parted. I'm guessing that they grew apart from one another. That was really challenging for me. I was at a mere age of six. I don't think I was expected to deal with this situation in a mature manner. I still have contact with my dad which I'm grateful for.
I believe in God and I know He is watching over me. He has got me through the difficult times so far and I thank and love Him for that. I hope, in the future, I live a victorious life, a life that I will be proud of.
I hope to have a 'fairytale wedding' which consist of me, in my lovely flowing white gown, and my husband, looking well-groomed in his black suit, living happily ever after.
Well, my autobiography exterminates here. I hope you have enjoyed reading an extract of my life and I hope everything goes well for me from now on.
1- O que o trecho autobiográfico descreve?
2- Releia o 2º parágrafo. O que o pai costumava fazer nas viagens em família?
3- Qual é o pensamento da autora em relação a Deus?
4- Qual é a expectativa da autora em relação ao casamento?
5- Releia o texto:
a- Circule um Possessive Adjective que apareça.
b- Ligue o Possessive Adjective que você circulou ao substantivo a que ele se refere.
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