Inglês, perguntado por santsolala96, 2 meses atrás

B) which elements, verbal and non verbal, called you atlention?
C) would you bruy the product advertied? why?
D)would you offer this product to another poison?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92

Resposta:  B verbal elements the high caps in the sentence your mommy saying you had to clean up your room

and non verbal these little men with an x in front of general cleaning products

C  i would not but this product because i do not believe in magical solutions for things! i believe in actual facts and science to solve problems or in this case cleaning things

D  > i would not offer to another person since i do not believe in this product! so i would not offer it when i myself do not have faith in this product


Respondido por Natachasousamedeiros


yes bla bla tou te yere ksksk sis

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