Inglês, perguntado por viniciusflourenco11, 6 meses atrás

Auckland, Nova Zelândia, mas ela está tendo dificuldades para decidir onde é o melhor lugar. Ela enviou um e-mail para sua
Nestize has been approved for two exchange programs, for Barcelona University, Spain, and Auckland University,
asking her opinion, and she responded it. Read the e-mail she sent to Justine about her impressions and choose the
best option that contains only EXPRESSIONS TO GIVE OPINIONS to fill the blanks correctly.
Justine foi aprovada para dois programas de intercâmbio: para a Universidade de Barcelona, Espanha, e Universidade de
melhor amiga Anna perguntando sua opinião, e ela respondeu. Leia o e-mail que ela enviou à Juistine sobre suas impressões e
escolha a opção que contém apenas EXPRESSÕES DE OPINIÃO para completar corretamente as lacunas.
Hi, Justine!!!
I had a break of my classes this afternoon, so I finally can respond your message. Giuliano, my new boyfriend, is
helping me with my papers so I can take it easy a bit. btw he is amazing and everything here in Rome is beautiful!
Well, I was thinking about what you asked me, and I have some observations about it:
you should think of the kind of place you want to live in.
you would love an exotic country like
New Zealand and I have heard that people there are very LovelyBut
Barcelona University is one of the most famous universities in Europe, and
you should also consider the Universities
this is very
important for your career.
Try to decide what exactly you want and just do it! You will be happy anywhere, you are an amazing student!
Big hug, miss you!
(A) For me / I think / In my opinion / I would point out that / I would say that.
(B) I like / I think / In my opinion / study / Rome
(C) For me / In my opinion / I study / Auckland / is
(D) In my opinion/ for me / I would say that / he / she
(E) Nenhuma das opções.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jpedrooficial7


eu nao sei


que alguém te ajuda

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