Português, perguntado por hevelyvieira, 8 meses atrás

▷ Fiquem em silêncio, por um ou dois minutos, e pensem: nos
lugares que frequentam; nas pessoas com as quais convivem; nos assuntos que
estão circulando na cidade, na comunidade; em algo que tenha ocorrido no dia a dia
deles e chamado a atenção. É dessa simples observação que você escreverá uma crônica.
▷ O próximo passo é escolher o tom – poético, bem-humorado, crítico, lírico – com que
vão narrar o tema e optar pelo foco narrativo: na primeira pessoa (autor-personagem)
ou na terceira pessoa (autor-observador).
▷ Escreva uma crônica.
▷ Uma dica para a classe: na maioria das vezes o cronista cria o título depois de escrever a crônica.

por favor me ajudemmmmmmmmmmmmmmm preciso para hojeeeee

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por samarasw2008

Você tem que escrever uma crônica sua , é pessoal!

Respondido por SAMUST4R



1. Think about your experiences, the places you frequent; in the people they live with; in the issues that are circulating in the city, in the community; something that happened in their daily lives is called to attention. It is from this simple observation that each of the students will write a chronicle.

chronicle about our future

2. Next, write down the situation you identified mentally.

Imagine the future of people and people what they talk about, how their daily lives should be, etc...

3. You were able to act like a true chronicler. He looked at the commonplace facts of the city and chose an episode about which they want to write, individually, a chronicle.

Yes, it is possible to say that Rubem Braga's chronicle addresses "Current Facts" for example in his chronicle "Message to Senhor 903" it describes commonplace facts common to all people who live in apartment buildings. He transforms a personal affair between two neighbors, as if it had happened and we who read the chronicle are the witnesses of the fact. It becomes a unique fact --> "Only I don't keep silence in the building''. Through Ironies he accepts the neighbor's claims. And he concludes the chronicle proposing that instead of Intolerance, he should welcome the complaining neighbor as a friend.

4. The next step is to choose the tone – poetic, humorous, critical, lyrical – with which they will narrate the theme “The place where I live” and choose the focus

narrative: in the first person (author-character) or in the third person (author-observer).

The next step is to choose the tone – poetic, humorous, critical, lyrical – with which they will narrate the theme “The place where I live” and choose the focus

narrative: in the first person (author-character) or in the third person (author-observer).

5. After choosing the tone and narrative focus that you like best, consider the production situation:

● Who writes?

.Just like that to return from so long; I needed to force myself to compose these words and, to top it off, on a more than difficult subject. For me, happiness is not just the absence of sadness, it's worth more than that. That child smiles when he sees the leaf fall on the old man's head; I'm glad the old man laughs for contributing with that smile. The boy is happy with the promotion in his job, the girl is happy when he notices her three-inch haircut. There are those who have told me that happiness does not exist; we are never satisfied, we always want something we never have, we admire something we will never have; this pleasure stamped on that smile is often the result of improvement in ourselves, never in others. Maybe doing something from the heart, however minimal it may be, is a good way to start the day. Preferably where the one who wins the most is actually the other.

● For whom? (For classmates? For the community? For

a jury?)

On a beautiful Sunday morning, we were going to my grandparents' house for lunch. Arriving there, we saw a commotion because of the television. My cousin wanted to see a soap opera, my aunt wanted to see a movie, my cousins ​​wanted to play video games, my younger cousin wanted to see Barney and as if that wasn't enough screams at my grandmother saying the soap has already started, on the other side my uncles scream saying that football had also started.

I, wrapped up in history, didn't know what to do. I went to the terrace and played ball and kicked the ball so hard that it hit the antenna, dropping the television signal. Okay, people almost killed me with so much anger, but the damage was already done. So everyone spent the entire day talking and turned off the television. It was a wonderful day! We tell jokes, we talk about soap operas and football... But what nobody knows is that later, with another jackpot I made on the antenna, the television started working again...

● For what purpose? (Compete? Publicize? Communicate?)

On a very rainy day, returning from school, I saw a scene that was ironic, embarrassing and that caught my attention. A gorgeous woman a few feet in front of me wearing a nice red dress, with a leather bag and a platform heel shoe, apparently a rich girl. Next to me was a great friend of mine - Marcos - and when I was talking I witnessed a scene that didn't correspond to the first impression that that girl had in my eyes, an imbalance of the heel. She went to the right side, then to the left side and couldn't get back to her initial posture, she was falling to the left side until she was able to support herself on a wet wall, when I positioned my gaze forward and saw that event I wanted to immense to laugh but held it until I passed the woman who by sight was very embarrassed.

● Where will the chronicle be published? (Newspaper, book, magazine, blog, book

digital, school mural, Youtube video)

6. Now write a chronicle.

A girl in a white dress jumping rope.

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