Inglês, perguntado por deboragacha959, 1 ano atrás

ATIVIDADE 3: Circule a forma verbal correta
nas frases abaixo:
a)It is known that prejudice appear/appears
when there is a lack of knowledge.
b)Many people find/finds their identity and
security in their cultural group.
c)Education transform/transforms girl's lives,
and entire societies.
d)Everyone have/has the right to freedom of
opinion and expression.
e)When children respect respects themselves
and others, they feel/feels good about who they

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luisotaviocfontes

a)It is known that prejudice appear/appears

when there is a lack of knowledge.

b)Many people find/finds their identity and

security in their cultural group.

c)Education transform/transforms girl's lives,

and entire societies.

d)Everyone have/has the right to freedom of

opinion and expression.

e)When children respect/respects themselves

and others, they feel/feels good about who they


Respondido por EmyHwang


appears  (parece)

find  (encontrar)

transforms  (transformar)

has  (tem)

respect (respeito)


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