Inglês, perguntado por lanbrother437, 11 meses atrás

at - on - on
(B) at - at - on
(C) on - in - on
(D) at - in - in
(E) at - in - on


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por larissapomponeli
E) at in on
Marca como melhor resposta ❤️
Respondido por euhenrique90

✎ Olá! Sou euhenrique90 e vim te ajudar!



  1. I need to go to school at 2 o'clock
  2. Her birthday is in April
  3. I usually go out on Fridays

  • (A) at - on - on
  • (B) at - at - on
  • (C) on - in - on
  • (D) at - in - in
  • (E) at - in - on


(veja a foto para entender)


✎ Sou euhenrique90 e fico feliz ter te ajudado


lanbrother437: obrigado
lanbrother437: Mark the statement in which there is an IRREGULAR VERB. *
(A) "On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain".
(B) "Druids built huge bonfires".
(C) "This day marked the end of summer".
(D) "The Celts lived 2,000 years ago".
(E) "The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1". consegue essa tbm :?
euhenrique90: puts essa não entendi :/
lanbrother437: vou mandar o texto , acabei esquecendo
euhenrique90: ok...
lanbrother437: copia e coloca esse link que vai direto para o texto
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