Inglês, perguntado por SamuelPaludo, 8 meses atrás

Assunto: Reading comprehension 1-Read the text and mark if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Leia o texto e marque T (SE A SENTENÇA FOR VERDADEIRA) e F (SE A SENTENÇA FOR FALSA). Preste muita atenção no texto antes de responder as questões: (14) Many people have the dream of becoming famous, but being a celebrity has its pros and cons. While the pros can be appear on the cover of magazines, have lots of money and recognition, one of the cons is the lack of privacy, and to be followed everywhere by intrusive fans, or even worse, the paparazzi. Paparazzi is an Italian word, and it means ‘a photographer who follows famous people to take their pictures and then sells the pictures to newspapers or magazines”. Common people enjoy seeing pictures of celebrities, so the paparazzi sell them for lots of money. The most profitable are the pictures of celebrity babies and famous couples. The People Magazine paid U$ 15 million for the first pictures of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt twins in 2008, making them the most expensive pictures ever sold. Other pictures can be ‘cheaper’, a photo of Britney Spears and her new boyfriend was sold by ‘only’ U$ 50.000,00. a) ( ) One of the pros of being famous are the intrusive fans. b) ( ) The word “paparazzi” in Italian means “famous people”. c) ( ) Paparazzi sells the pictures to the celebrities. d) ( ) People like seeing pictures of famous people. e) ( ) The most expensive pictures are the first picture of a celebrity baby. f) ( ) A paparazzi can make a lot of money. g) ( ) The most expensive picture is one of Britney Spears.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pedrohenrique13borge

A) F

B) T

C) F

D) T

E) T

F) T

G) T

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