Assinale a alternativa que se encontra na Voz Ativa.
(A) Someone took my book from the table.
(B) Nature will be preserved.
(C) French is being spoken by the students.
(D) Our project would be approved by the company.
Que alternativa contém estrutura “in the “Present Perfect”.
(A) All over the world speak English.
(B) We would have eaten our lunch if they had been here.
(C) The students were showing me their work.
(D) Have you ever heard the proverb “money doesn’t grow on the tree?”
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um verbo modal.
(A) We are very worried about the future
(B) We hear a list of problems affecting the environment
(C) The environment will suffer even more.
(D) It is late, you should go home.
Qual do grupo de palavras possui somente verbos irregulares?
(A) love – kick – obey – pray – earn
(B) agree – fry – ask – enjoyed – push
(C) catch – were – make – drive – teach
(D) park – stop – help – create – believe
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Present perfect
⇒⇒ Active / Passive voices
⇒⇒ Irregular verbs
Assinale a alternativa que se encontra na Voz Ativa.
(A) Someone took my book from the table.✅
(B) Nature will be preserved.
(C) French is being spoken by the students.
(D) Our project would be approved by the company.
Alternativa correta letra ''A''
Someone took... >>> apenas um verbo
Que alternativa contém estrutura in the “Present Perfect”.
(A) All over the world speak English.
(B) We would have eaten our lunch if they had been here.
(C) The students were showing me their work.
(D) Have you ever heard the proverb “money doesn’t grow on the tree?”✅
Alternativa correta letra ''D''
Have you ever >> estrutura usado no ''present perfect''
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um verbo modal.
(A) We are very worried about the future
(B) We hear a list of problems affecting the environment
(C) The environment will suffer even more.
(D) It is late, you should go home.✅
Alternativa correta letra ''D''
should >> modal verb >> usado para dar conselhos
Qual do grupo de palavras possui somente verbos irregulares?
(A) love – kick – obey – pray – earn
(B) agree – fry – ask – enjoyed – push
(C) catch – were – make – drive – teach✅
(D) park – stop – help – create – believe
Alternativa correta letra ''c''
catch >> caught
be >> was / were
make >> made
drive >> drove
teach >> taught
⇒⇒ Simple past - Irregular verbs / Verbos irregulares >> são verbos que não terminam em ''ed'' no passado. Cada verbo irregular tem sua forma própria de fazer o passado, ou seja, não seguem nenhuma regra e, por isso, é necessário decorá-los.
I went to school by bus. >> Eu fui à escola de ônibus.
They had a shower last night. >> Eles tomaram banho ontem à noite.
Alguns verbos irregulares
to be ⇔ was / were
can ⇔ could
to buy ⇔ bought
to teach ⇔ taught
Learn more >> present perfect