Answer the questions according to the text about Rosa Parks. (Responda às questões de acordo com o texto sobre Rosa Parks.) Rosa grew up in the southern United States in Alabama Her mother was a teacher and her father a carpenter. Segregation During white people and black people. They had different schools, different churches, different stores, this time, the city of Montgomery was segregated. This meant that things were different for different elevators, and even different drinking fountains. Places often had signs saying "For Colored Only" or "For Whites Only". When Rosa would ride the bus to work, she would have to sit in the back in the seats marked "for colored". Sometimes she would have to stand even if there were seats open un front Sitting on the Bus It was on December 1, 1955 that Rosa made her famous stand (while sitting) on the bus. Rosa had settled in her seat on the bus after a hard day's work. All the seats on the bus had filled up when a white man boarded. The refused. The bus driver and Rosa was arrested. bus driver told Rosa and some other African-Americans to stand up. Rosa said he would call the police. Rosa didn't move. Soon the police showed up Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa was charged with breaking a segregation law and was told to pay a fine of $10. She refused to pay, however, court. saying that she was not guilty and that the law was illegal. She appealed to a higher That night a number of African-American leaders got together and This meant that African-Americans would no longer ride the buses. Martin Luther King Jr. The boycott continued for 381 days! Finally, the U.S. Supreme in Alabama were unconstitutional. After the Boycott Just threats home of Martin Luther because the laws were changed, things didn't get any easier for Rosa. She received many and feared for her life. Many of the civil rights leader's houses were bombed, including the King Jr. In 1957 Rosa and Raymond moved to Detroit, Michigan. Rosa continued to attend civil rights meetings. She became a symbol to many African Americans of the fight for equal rights. She is still a symbol of freedom and equality to many today. Rosa Parks grew up in decided to boycott the city buses. One of these leaders was Dr. Court ruled that the segregation laws (questão 6. a) South Africa b) Nigeria c) the United States d)Brazil) (questão 7. Em em pé para que um homem branco que subiu no transporte sentasse? 1955, o que Rosa Parks fez quando o motorista de um ônibus disse que os negros teriam que a) Recusou-se e continuou sentada. b) Levantou-se e cedeu o lugar ao homem branco. c) Desceu do ônibus e voltou andando para casa. d) Ligou para a polícia.)
jente pfv eu aumentei os pontos pra vcs responderem pra mim respondam a outra tbm
Desculpa, mas não tô entendendo muita coisa não... queria te ajudar, mas o texto está muito embolado.. Tu podes ajeitar ele, pra eu poder te ajudar?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Bom, irei responder do jeito que entendi.
Questão 6: Se a pergunta é sobre onde ela viveu ou onde aconteceu esse fato, a resposta é a c.
Questão 7: resposta a. Ela se recusou a levantar.
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