Soluções para a tarefa
2. Kevin didn't play the violin yesterday afternoon.
He played the piano.
3. Harold and Beth didn't listen to the news yesterday evening.
They listened to music.
4. Mrs Martinez didn't wait for the train this afternoon.
She waited for the bus.
5. Frank didn't fix his fence yesterday morning.
He fixed his bicycle.
6. Mr. and Mrs Park didn't clean their attic today.
They cleaned their yard.
7. Marvin didn't bake a pie yesterday evening.
He baked a cake.
8. Patty didn't call her grandmother last night.
She called her grandfather.
O Passado Simples "Simple Past" indica que você está falando de algo que já aconteceu. Diferentemente do tempo contínuo passado, usado para falar sobre eventos passados que ocorreram durante um período de tempo, o tempo passado simples enfatiza que a ação está concluída.
Você também pode usar o passado simples para falar sobre um estado de ser passado, como a maneira como alguém se sente sobre algo. Isso geralmente é expresso com o pretérito simples do verbo “to be” e um adjetivo, substantivo ou frase preposicional.
Wolfgang was proud of his hula hoop victory.
The contest was the highlight of his week.
Segue as respostas para o exercício:
2. Kevin didn't play the violin yesterday afternoon.
He played the piano.
3. Harold and Beth didn't listen to the news yesterday evening.
They listened to music.
4. Mrs Martinez didn't wait for the train this afternoon.
She waited for the bus.
5. Frank didn't fix his fence yesterday morning.
He fixed his bicycle.
6. Mr. and Mrs Park didn't clean their attic today.
They cleaned their yard.
7. Marvin didn't bake a pie yesterday evening
He baked a cake.
8. Patty didn't call her grandmother last night.
She called her grandfather.
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