alguém poderia me ajudar por gentileza
1) Complete the following Affirmatives by conjugating the verbs in parentheses in the Present Continuous. Then change them to the Negative and Interrogative forms:
Soluções para a tarefa
a: is working
n : My brother is not working at the market
? : Is my brother working at the market?
A: are playing
N: They are not playing video game together
?: Are they playing video game together?
a: am changing
n: I am not changing my clothes to go out.
?: Am I changing my clothes to go out?
A: is walking
n: Carlos is not walking at the park.
?: Is Carlos walking at the park?
a: are speaking
n: you and me are not speaking French very well.
?: are you and me speaking French very well?
No affirmative nós colocamos a frase com ing no final. Com algumas alterações seguindo algumas regras específicas. (ex: I am studying)
No negative basta colocar um "not" entre o sujeito e o verbo (ex: I am not studying)
No interrogative, o verbo vem antes do sujeito. (ex: Am I studying?)