alguém pode me ajudar por favor? tenho muita dificuldade nisso :(
Soluções para a tarefa
a) she will eat pizza
she will not eat pizza
will she eat pizza?
b) they will go to the cinema
they will not go to the cinema
will they go to the cinema?
c) we will walk the dog
we will not walk the dog
will we walk the dog?
d) i will shop
i will not shop
will i shop?
e) you will do your homework
you will not do your homework
will you do your homework?
f) my sister will clean the kitchen
my sister will not clean the kitchen
will my sister clean the kitchen?
g) peter will play the computer game
peter will not play the computer game
will peter play the computer game?
h) it will rain all day tomorrow
it will not rain all day tomorrow
will it rain all day tomorrow?
i) steve and amanda will drink soda
steve and amanda will not drink soda
will steve and amanda drink soda?
* amg se vc quiser trocar o " will not " por " won't " tbm tá certo!! exemplo: she will not play >> she won't play