Inglês, perguntado por pjmcandy, 11 meses atrás

Alguém pode me ajudar com esse exercício de inglês????

1. Escolha as opções adequadas para preencher as lacunas das frases.

a) The cheese pizza is (my/mine) and the pepperoni is (her/hers).

b) (Your/Yours) eraser is under the notebook.

c) A friend of (my/mine) has invited me to Paris.

d) She is going to school with (her/hers) brother.

e) Two students didn't do (their/theirs) Math homework.

f) My neighborhood is safe, while (your/his) isn't.

g) Look at this lovely bird! (Its/His) head is red!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kelberemanuelp7hhq5


1 a) mine / hers

b) Your

c)  Mine

d) Her

e) Their

f) your

g) Its


pjmcandy: muito obrigada!!!!
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