Alguém pode colocar em inglês pra mim por favor
Torta de limão
1 margarina Delícia (250g)
2 limões grandes
3 pacotes de biscoito maisena
1 lata de leite Moça
1 caixa de creme de leite Nestle
Bata o biscoito no liquidificador (um pacote de cada vez).
Bote os biscoitos triturados numa tigela e amasse-os com a margarina.
Misture até essa massa ficar no ponto (nem oleoso,nem esfarelado).
Forra num pirex (onde você desejar servir), nivelando sempre pra que essa massa fique retinha.
No liquidificador bate o leite moça com o creme de leite, bater pouco na velocidade mais fraca.
Pouco tempo,só para misturá-los.
Despeja numa vasilha e vai adicionando aos poucos o suco dos 2 limões coados!
Vai misturando aos poucos até que o creme vá encorpando.
(Não colocar mais do que 2 limões para que não fique azedo!)
Coloque esse creme em cimada massa do biscoito e leve a geladeira por 2 horas e sirva!
Soluções para a tarefa
Lemon pie
1 delicious margarine (250g)
2 large lemons
3 packets of cornstarch biscuit
1 can of milk girl
1 box of Nestle cream
Blend the biscuit in a blender (one packet at a time).
Put crushed biscuits in a bowl and mash them with margarine.
Mix until this dough is just right (neither oily nor crumbly).
Line a Pyrex (where you want to serve), leveling always so that this dough stays straight.
No blender beats the milk girl with the cream, beat a little at the lowest speed.
Little time, just to mix them up.
Pour into a bowl and gradually add the juice of the 2 strained lemons!
Mix it little by little until the cream gets fuller.
(Don't add more than 2 lemons so it doesn't get sour!)
Put this cream on top of the cookie dough and refrigerate for 2 hours and serve!
Lemon pie
1 delicious margarine (250g)
2 large lemons
3 packets of cornstarch biscuit
1 can of milk girl
1 box of Nestle cream
Blend the biscuit in a blender (one packet at a time).
Put the crushed biscuits in a bowl and mash them with the margarine.
Mix until this dough is just right (neither oily nor crumbly).
Line a Pyrex (where you want to serve), leveling always so that this dough stays straight.
In a blender, beat the milk girl with the cream, blend a little at the lowest speed.
Little time, just to mix them up.
Pour into a bowl and gradually add the juice of the 2 strained lemons!
Mix it little by little until the cream gets fuller.
(Don't add more than 2 lemons so it doesn't get sour!)
Put this cream on top of the cookie dough and refrigerate for 2 hours and serve!
ai está espero ter ajudado <3