Alguem pode ajudar porfavooor

Soluções para a tarefa
• I want to improve my English grammar. What should I do?
I should write more
• I want to improve my English vocabulary. What should I do?
I should read more
• I'm afraid of cats. What should I do?
I should try approaching to more cats
• I think I saw a ghost last night. What should I do?
I should sleep with the lights on
• I want to become rich What should I do?
I should work hard for it
• I often get lost. What should I do?
I should pay more attention
• I'm sick. I have a cold. What should I do?
I should rest and take some painkillers
• I want to have more friends. What should I do?
I should go to parties more often
• I want to quit smoking, but it's difficult. What should I do?
I should search for professional help
• I want to like a very long time. What should I do?
I should take more care of my body
• I often argue with people. What should I do?
I should have more patience
• I can't find my dog. What should I do?
I should inform my neighbours and friends
• I'm often late for class. What should I do?
I should leave home early
• I want to lose weight, but it's difficult. What should I do?
I should run more and eat more vegetables
• I want to find a good job. What should I do?
I should study more and become more prepared