Inglês, perguntado por pedrobertoncelli, 9 meses atrás

Unusual friends

The Smiths have a big cat, Molly. Molly is loud and playful, but always friendly and gentle. One
cold day Molly sees two small, quiet rabbits in the yard. They’re cold and alone.
Molly carries the rabbits to the door and meows. They’re scared. The Smiths come out. They
make a big and warm cage for the rabbits to sleep in. The rabbits are happy. They’re gentle,
and Molly likes them.
Sometimes they play with Molly in the yard, and they never fight.
2. Responda:
a) How is Molly different from the rabbits?________________________________
b) How is Molly the same as the rabbits? ________________________________

3. Marque verdadeiro ou falso
a) Molly is a friendly bird. 
b) It is a cold day when Molly finds the rabbits. 
c) The rabbits sleep with Molly in the kennel. 
d) The rabbits are lonely at the Smith’s house. 
e) Molly and the rabbits are friends at the end of the story. 
f) The Smiths are nice people. 

4. Agora, conte com suas palavras, em português, o que você entendeu
do texto:

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dmarx1538


2) a) Molly is a cat (Molly é uma gata)

b) They are gentle (Eles são gentis)

3) a) F

b) V

c) F

d) F

e) V

f) V

4) Não sei

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