Inglês, perguntado por butterfly67890, 9 meses atrás


Complete as frases com os verbos no present perfect ou simple past: "In congratulating Yousafzai, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said: “She is (the) pride of Pakistan, she ___________ (make) her countrymen proud. Her achievement is unparalleled and unequaled. Girls and boys of the world should take lead from her struggle and commitment." Former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon described Yousafzai as "a brave and gentle advocate of peace who, through the simple act of going to school, became a global teacher.” *
10 pontos
has made
have made

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por deborahyuiko

"In congratulating Yousafzai, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said: “She is (the) pride of Pakistan, she has made her countrymen proud. Her achievement is unparalleled and unequaled. Girls and boys of the world should take lead from her struggle and commitment." Former U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon described Yousafzai as "a brave and gentle advocate of peace who, through the simple act of going to school, became a global teacher.”

Quando o pronome está na terceira pessoa, ou seja she/he/it(ela/ele/isto), o verbo ter em inglês, é "has" e quando o pronome é I/ you/ we/ they (eu/ você/ nós/eles) o verbo ter é have.

Sendo assim fica

I have (Eu tenho)

You have (Você tem)

She has (Ela tem)

He has (Ele tem)

It has (Isto tem)

We have (Nós temos)

You have (Você tem)

They have (Eles tem)

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