Inglês, perguntado por marieguimaroes, 7 meses atrás

Ajudaa pfvv
Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo.
1. She
in the library on Mondays. (to study)

2. Maria
the exercises in the classroom. (to copy)

3. My mother
for peace every day. (to pray)

4. He
home on Sundays. (to stay)

5. Those children always
in the morning. (to cry)

6. I usually
in the church. (to pray)

7. The boys
football in the afternoon. (to play)

8. Superman
over Metropolis. (to fly)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por isissakura863


1. Studies

2. copied/Copies

3. prays

4. stays

5. cry

6. pray

7. play

8. flys


so ver o jeito do verbo que fará mais sentido na frase!

espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! :D

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