Inglês, perguntado por maiameria8, 1 mês atrás


1) Choon the correct answer: do, does, have, has, did.
_____ he do the work last night?

2) Complete the dialogue: did, take, don't, tired, have, visited, because.

A- Hey, why are you so _____?
B- _____ I walked a lot.

A- _____ you visited everything there?
B- yes, I did. I _____ valleys, lakes...

A- Did you _____ pictures?
B- yes, I took many beautiful pictures.

A- _____ forget to bring them to my house. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dusktheemoboy

As respostas estarão em negrito e em CAIXA ALTA.

1) DID he do the work last night?

2) A- Hey, why are you so TIRED?

B- BECAUSE I walked a lot.

A- HAVE you visited everything there?

B- Yes I did. I VISITED valleys, lakes...

A- Did you TAKE pictures?

B- Yes, I took many beautiful pictures.

A- DON'T forget to bring them to my house.

maiameria8: obrigada:))
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