Inglês, perguntado por phoenix778, 3 meses atrás

1) They said, "Do you study in Rio?" in the Reported Speech would be:
A/They asked that I study in Rio.

B/They said that I studied in Rio. .

C/They argued that do I study in Rio.

D/They asked if I studied in Rio.


2) Considere a frase: If you don’t clean your bedroom, you won’t go to the party. Escolha a melhor opção para reescrevê-la, começando com
She told me that_________________.

A/ if I won’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t go to the party.

B/if you didn’t clean your bedroom, you hadn't gone to the party,

C/if I didn’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t have gone to the party.

D/if I didn’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t go to the party. .

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MoraesBrenda


1. Letra d) They asked if I studied in Rio.

2. Letra d) if I didn’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t go to the party. (second conditional na forma negativa)

Se precisar de mais ajuda ou tiver qualquer dúvida pode me chamar!

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Reported Speech

1) They said, "Do you study in Rio?" in the Reported Speech would be:

A/They asked that I study in Rio.

B/They said that I studied in Rio. .

C/They argued that do I study in Rio.

D/They asked if I studied in Rio. ✅

2) Considere a frase: ''If you don’t clean your bedroom, you won’t go to the party''. Escolha a melhor opção para reescrevê-la, começando com

She told me that if I didn’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t go to the party.

A/ if I won’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t go to the party.

B/if you didn’t clean your bedroom, you hadn't gone to the party,

C/if I didn’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t have gone to the party.

D/if I didn’t clean my bedroom, I wouldn’t go to the party. ✅

⇒⇒  Reported speech >> é quando repetimos, com as nossas palavras, o que outra pessoa falou. As duas frases, normalmente, são ligadas por ''that''.


' I don't know what to do' - Lucy disse. >>> direct speech

Lucy said she didn't know what to do. >>> reported speech

James said: ''I am very late''. >>> direct speech

James said that he was very late. >>> reported speech  

Mudança de tempo verbal ao fazer o Reported speech

Direct speech             Reported speech

Simple present               Simple past

Simple past                     Past perfect

Present continuous        Past continuous

Present perfect               Past perfect

Past continuous              Past perfect continuous

Can                                  Could

Will                                   Would  

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