Inglês, perguntado por sincera123, 8 meses atrás

Aí me ajudem!!! 1. Complete as frases com os verbos corretos no FUTURE SIMPLE. She _____ the test. * will pass will win will wear will buy 2. Complete as frases com os verbos corretos no FUTURE SIMPLE. Will they be at home? No, ____ * they will I won't they won't we will 3. Complete as frases com os verbos corretos no FUTURE SIMPLE. Will you make dinner? Yes ____ * they won't they will I will I won't 4. Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase "I'm sure she _____ me" no SIMPLE FUTURE? * will recognized recognizes recognize will recognize 5. Marque a alternativa que completa corrtamente a frase "Solar energy ____ an alternative in the future" no SIMPLE FUTURE. * will is will to be will are will be

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por milenatborba


1.She WILL PASS the test. * will pass will win will wear will buy

2. Complete as frases com os verbos corretos no FUTURE SIMPLE.

Will they be at home? No, THEY WON'T * they will I won't they won't we will

3. Complete as frases com os verbos corretos no FUTURE SIMPLE. Will you make dinner? Yes THEY WILL  * they won't they will I will I won't

4. Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase "I'm sure she WILL RECOGNIZE me" no SIMPLE FUTURE? * will recognized recognizes recognize will recognize

5. Marque a alternativa que completa corrtamente a frase "Solar energy  an alternative in the future" no SIMPLE FUTURE. * will is will to be will are



Espero ter ajudado! <3

Respondido por inaciotops



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