Inglês, perguntado por michelpedrosamwp, 8 meses atrás

A. Philip listens to the podcast. (often) _________________________________. B. She reads a book. (sometimes) _________________________________. C. My parents get angry. (rarely) _________________________________. D. I am very friendly. (usually) _________________________________. E. I take sugar in my coffee. (seldom) _________________________________. F. Gary and Howard are hungry. (often) _________________________________. G. My grandfather goes for a walk in the evening. (every day) _________________________________. H. Jesse helps his father in the kitchen. (always) _________________________________. I. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never) _________________________________. J. Tania smokes. (four times a day) _________________________________.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒ Adverbs of frequency

A. Philip listens to the podcast. (often)

   Philip often listens to the podcast

B. She reads a book. (sometimes)

   Sometimes she reads a book.

C. My parents get angry. (rarely).

   My parents rarely get angry.

D. I am very friendly. (usually).

    I am usually friendly.

E. I take sugar in my coffee. (seldom).

   I seldom take sugar in my coffee.

F. Gary and Howard are hungry. (often).

   Gary and Howard  are often hungry.

G. My grandfather goes for a walk in the evening. (every day).

   Every day my grandfather goes for a walk in the evening.

H. Jesse helps his father in the kitchen. (always).

    Jesse always helps his father in the kitchen.

I. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never).

  They never watch TV in the afternoon.

J. Tania smokes. (four times a day)

   Tania smokes four times a day.


Frequencyy adverbs / Advérbios de frequência >>  indicam a frequência com que algo é feito. Normalmente, os advérbios de frequência, em inglês, são colocados ANTES do verbo principal.

→→ O advérbio de frequência deve vir SEMPRE ANTES do verbo principal.

I never get up late.

They always play drums.

You rarely wake up at 7:00am.

→→ O advérbio de frequência deve vir SEMPRE DEPOIS do verbo ''to be''

I am never late for school.

He is always at school at 7:20am.

She is rarely late.

→→ Se tiver dois verbos o advérbio de frequência deve estar SEMPRE entre os dois verbos:

I can always speak fast.

They can never arrive on time.

→→ Alguns advérbios de frequência podem ser colocados no início ou no final da frase.


Occasionally they run at the park.

They run at the park occasionally.

The baby cannot sleep sometimes.

Sometimes the baby cannot sleep.


⇒⇒ Expressões de tempo >> há várias formas para expressar ideia de tempo em inglês.  


this morning - esta manhã / hoje cedo

I saw Mary and her sister this morning.

last night - ontem à noite / a noite passada

My parents watched the news last night.

last week - semana passada

It was Susan's birthday last week.

tomorrow - amanhã

I am going to visit my grandmother tomorrow.

Tomorrow I am going to visit my grandmother.

∴ As expressões de tempo podem aparecer no início/fim da frase (mais comuns) e no meio da frase.


At this time, next Monday, you will be flying to California.

I drink water five times a day.

David works every other day. (dia sim, dia não)

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