ENEM, perguntado por omarkaber55, 10 meses atrás

A pavement system must be designed to accommodate 1,000 20-kip single axle loads per day. The pavement should provide 99% reliability and accommodate a standard devation of 0.35. The pavement should be comprised of either a 10-inch concrete slab or a 6-inch hot-mix asphalt surface on top of a 7-inch dense-grade crushed stone base and a 10-inch crushed stone subbase. Determine whether the rigid or flexible pavement will lost longer given the following pavement and soil characteristics: • PSI = 4.5 (both pavements) TSI = 2.5 (both pavements) CD = 1.0 Ee =4,000,000 k= 300 pci J = 3.0 M2 = M3 = 1.0 Mg = 12,500 psi S =1,000 psi Use the AASHTO pavement design equations or nomograph.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nathanjhonata8


tô vendendo o pet avaliativo de todas as matérias do 3 ano


pq tô precisando de dinheiro

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