Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

A. I Work in bakery and I bake bread. I’m a Baker
h. Michael Phelps is a famous __________ who swam in the 2012 Olympic Games.
i. This is my first time to study Spanish. I'm a _____________
j. The Dutch ______________Vincent van Gogh painted many great works of art.
k. __________s who smoke a lot of cigarettes usually cough a lot.
I. Mrs. Smith really knows how to manage a company well. She's a great __________
m. Who can take care of our child for two hours? Do you know any ______________s? n. The police are looking for an ________________who attacked and robbed a man. O. I think we should tell the _____________to slow down. He's driving too fast.
p. Does that red car belong to Richard? Is he the_____________?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


Suffix   ''-er''

A. I Work in bakery and I bake bread. I’m a baker .

h. Michael Phelps is a famous swimmer who swam in the 2012 Olympic Games.

i. This is my first time to study Spanish. I'm a beginner.

j. The Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh painted many great works of art.

k. Smokers who smoke a lot of cigarettes usually cough a lot.

I. Mrs. Smith really knows how to manage a company well. She's a great manager.

m. Who can take care of our child for two hours? Do you know any babysits?

n. The police are looking for an attacker who attacked and robbed a man.

O. I think we should tell the driver to slow down. He's driving too fast.

p. Does that red car belong to Richard? Is he the owner?


Suffix  >> são letras colocadas no final de uma palavra para criar uma nova palavra.

Exemplos com sufixo ''ER'' :

to dance >> dançar

dancER >> dançarino

to work >> trabalhar

workER>> trabalhador

to sell >> vender

sellER >> vendedor

Peixinholindo: Oiii
Peixinholindo: Pode me ajudar.Por favor????
CremildaBR: sim
Peixinholindo: Vai nas minhas perguntas
Peixinholindo: Pfvvvv
Peixinholindo: Se vc entender
CremildaBR: Ah, desculpe. Eu só ajudo em inglês. Meu português tá muito enferrujado, 30 anos longe do Brasil rsrsrs
Respondido por nauanbigp60elv

Vou colocar as respostas em sequência:

1- swimmer

2- beginner

3- painter

4- Smoker

5- manager

6- babysitter

7- atacker

8- driver

9- owner

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