A contextualização é importante para que haja um correto entendimento sobre certo assunto, formando uma compreensão total a respeito de um tema e não de modo fragmentado.
Para que seja feita uma contextualização, antes de tudo, é preciso reunir todas as informações que sejam referentes a determinada temática, seja de modo indireto ou direto.
Considerando o conceito apresentado, leia o texto para responder a questão proposta.
Read this article about a NASA job posting:
NASA job opening to protect Earth from aliens has 6-figure salary
If you’re looking for a job that’s out of this world, there’s a position that just opened at NASA to fight aliens.
The gig, which comes with a six-figure salary, would involve protecting the planet and its inhabitants from alien contamination and vice versa.
In doing so, the planetary protection officer is responsible for implementing policies during NASA space flight missions.
“NASA maintains policies for planetary protection applicable to all space flight missions that may intentionally or unintentionally carry Earth organisms and organic constituents to the planets or other solar system bodies, and any mission employing spacecraft, which are intended to return to Earth and its biosphere with samples from extraterrestrial targets of exploration,” the job description states.
If the job sounds unique, that’s because it’s only one of two full-time roles in the world, according to Business Insider.
The position has become available because Catherine Conley, who is currently serving as NASA’s planetary protection officer, will be vacating the post.
“This new job ad is a result of relocating the position I currently hold to the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, which is an independent technical authority within NASA,” Conley told Business Insider.
According to the posting, the position offers a yearly salary between $124,406 to $187,000.
The job would require a commitment of three years, but could be extended for an addition two years.
(Available at: .
Accessed on 9th June 2017.)
Read the article and infer the meaning of the words/phrases in bold from context:
out of this world - figure - policies - samples - currently
In the text, these words could be respectively substituted by the following:
extraterrestrial - picture - rules - models - actually
extraordinary - digit - rules - examples - now
superb - picture - contracts - models - actually
extraordinary - price - contracts - models - frequently
extraterrestrial - number - rules - examples - now
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O céu tem seu movimento aparente. Em qual lado as estrelas, Lua e outros astros surgem (nascem) no céu? Um observador que contemple o céu diariamente no mesmo local observará sempre o mesmo céu no mesmo horário com o passar dos dias? Explique.
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