Inglês, perguntado por SouzaaT, 4 meses atrás

A) Complete as sentenças com comparativo de superioridade ou superlativo utilizando os adjetivos dados entre parênteses:

1) This is _______________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬______ (good) history I’ve ever read.
2) Brazil is ______________________ (big) Paraguai.
3) Adam will be ____________________ (handsome) boy in his class.
4) Yuri’s book has been _____________________ (important) mine.
5) The Pacific is _____________________ (large) ocean on the Earth.
6) Suzy is ______________________ (pretty) person in her family.
7) Is this equation ____________________ (simple) that one?
8) That film was _____________________ (bad) one ever.

B) Reescreva as sentenças abaixo, corrigindo as conjugações no Future Tense, obedecendo os usos de will ou going to como estão em cada sentença:

1) I don’t am going to close the window. It’s very hot here.

2) Will teach Benny English next semester?

3) Where are the Johnsons going to living? __________________________________________

4) We will to reading a new book next week. __________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lauramacarevich


1) This is the better (good) history I’ve ever read.

2) Brazil is bigger than (big) Paraguai.

3) Adam will be the more handson boy in his class.

4) Yuri’s book has been most important (important) mine.

5) The Pacific is largest (large) ocean on the Earth.

6) Suzy is the (pretty) person in her family.

7) Is this equation more simple (simple) that one?

8) That film was the worst (bad) one ever.

B) Reescreva as sentenças abaixo, corrigindo as conjugações no Future Tense, obedecendo os usos de will ou going to como estão em cada sentença:

1) I don’t am going to close the window. It’s very hot here.

I'm not going to close the windom. It's very hot

2) Will teach Benny English next semester?

Will you teach Benny English next semester?

3) Where are the Johnsons going to living?

Where the Johnsons are going to live?

4) We will to reading a new book next week.

We will read a new book next week.

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