Inglês, perguntado por lolizinha311, 6 meses atrás

A) Complete as frases usando o Superlativo.
1) In your opinion, What is ____________________________(incredible) thing in Nature? 2) What is _________________________________( long) river in the world?
3) What is the name of the__________________________( small) particle of matter? 4) Who is ___________________________( popular) singer in Brazil?
5) Which is _________________________( poor) nation in the world?
6) Maryann is the ________________________(short) girl among my friends.
7) This is the _____________________________( simple) exercise in this book.
8) This car is ____________________________( confortable) of all.
9) Albert was ____________________________( nervous) boy in class.
10) The lion is _____________________________( noble) of the animals.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabsoliver23


1) the most incredible

2) the longest

3) smallest

4) the most popular

5) the poorest

6) shortest

7) simplest

8) the most comfortable

9) the most nervous

10) the most noble

Respondido por nicolaskucera1

Para completar as frases corretamente devemos empregar conhecimento sobre o superlativo em língua inglesa.

1) In your opinion, What is the most incredible thing in Nature?

2) What is the longest river in the world?

3) What is the name of the smallest particle of matter?

4) Who is the most popular singer in Brazil?

5) Which is the poorest nation in the world?

6) Maryann is the the shortest girl among my friends.

7) This is the simplest exercise in this book.

8) This car is the most confortable of all.

9) Albert was the most nervous boy in class.

10) The lion is the most noble of the animals.

Modo superlativo

O superlativo em língua inglesa é utilizado para estabelecer o mais alto grau de alguma qualidade. Por exemplo: O melhor, O maior, O mais alto, etc.

  • A forma superlativa é usada apresentando superioridades e inferioridades em geral.
  • Para formar o superlativo, geralmente se adiciona o The antes do adjetivo, e o EST ao final.
  • Existem outras formas irregulares, como Best (better), por exemplo.
  • Outra opção é a forma: The most ... (adjetivo).


  1. a mais incrível
  2. o mais longo
  3. a menor
  4. o mais popular
  5. a mais pobre
  6. a mais baixa
  7. o mais simples
  8. o mais confortável
  9. o mais nervoso
  10. o mais nobre

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