Inglês, perguntado por jamillemartins09, 5 meses atrás

7) Complete the blank spaces with the right conjugation of the Simple Present Tense. Complete

os espaços em branco com a conjugação certa do Tempo Presente Simples.

Follow the example: Siga o exemplo:

Anna loves Jane Austin's books (love)

a) Kyle ____________ to the College tonight. (go)

b) My parents _____________ Italian and French classes on Thursdays every week. (have)

c) Louise ____________ at the Brad's Office. (work)

d) I ___________ bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)

e) The plane ___________ at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)

f) Do you ___________ in America? (live)

g) Jane __________ your friend. (love)

h) Juan and Carla ___________ every morning. (to run)

i) Every day she ____________ english classes. (teach)

j) Tomas ___________ TV daily. (watch)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por suckvicks
7. a) Kyle goes to the College tonight.
b) My parents have Italian and French classes on Thursdays every week.
c) Louise works at the Brad’s Office.
d) I eat bread with nuts jelly every morning.
e) The plane arrives at 08:00 in the city.
f) Do you live in America?
g) Jane loves your friend.
h) Juan and Carla run every morning.
i) Every day she teaches english classes.
j) Tomas watches TV daily.

Espero ter ajudado!
Respondido por abrendinhaa


A - goeS

B - have

C - workS

D - eat

E - arriveS

F - live

G - loveS

H - run

I - teacheS

J - watcheS



SIMPLE PRESENT : she workS , usado para falar de uma ação que ela faz


Se usa o S no simple present quando a resposta é AFIRMATIVA ( ou seja n é usada em perguntas e nem em negações ), nos pronomes HE , SHE , IT

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