Inglês, perguntado por adriellyferreira0703, 7 meses atrás

7. Complete os espaços com o plural das palavras entre parênteses.
a. Men are usually physically stronger than (woman)
b. Tree (leaf)
turn yellow in the fall.
c. There are (mouse)
in the kitchen!
d. Give me five forks and five (knife)
e. My (foot)
hurt. I'm gonna get a massage soon.
f. Their (wife)
always go with them on business trips
g. (Monkey)
are very smart animals.
before we go.
h. Wait! I have to brush my (tooth)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por euamariantonia


a) men are usually physically stronger than WOMEN.

b) tree LEAFS turn yellow in the fall.

c) there are MOUSES in the kitchen.

d) give me five forks and fove KNIVES.

e) my FEET hurt. i'm gonna get a massage soon.

f) their WIVES always go with them on business trips.

g) MONKEYS are very smart animals.

h) wait! i have to brush my TEETH.

Respondido por damianabem

Utilizamos o Plural em Inglês para respondermos corretamente à questão, escrevendo:

a) Men are usually physically stronger than women.

b) Tree leafs turn yellow in the fall.

c) There are mice in the kitchen.

d) Give me five forks and five knives.

e) My feet hurt. i'm gonna get a massage soon.

f) Their wives always go with them on business trips.

g) Monkeys are very smart animals.

h) Wait! i have to brush my teeth.

Plural em Inglês

  • Adicionamos -s para formar o plural. Ex.: Monkey → Monkeys
  • Palavras terminadas em – s, – ss, – sh, – ch, – x, – o e – z, adicione -es. Ex.: coach → coaches
  • Palavras terminadas em – y precedido de consoante, retire o    – y e acrescente – ies. Ex.: baby → babies.
  • Palavras terminadas em – f ou – fe, troque o -f por -v e adicione   -es. Ex.: wife → wives

   Plurais Irregulares

  • Sequência vocálica – oo no meio da palavra, substituir por -ee. Ex.: tooth → teeth, foot → feet.
  • Palavras que terminam em -man, substituir por -men. Ex.: man → men; woman → women.
  • Palavras com singular e plural iguais. Ex.: fish → fish; glasses→ glasses.

Para saber mais sobre Plural em Inglês, clique aqui


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