Inglês, perguntado por durvalfilho443, 8 meses atrás

6 Replace the icons with is, isn't, are or aren't to complete the following
sentences. Write the answers in your notebook.

a. Shakira and Demi ★ famous singers.

b. Demi ★ also a television actress.

c. ★ Shakira an Aquarius? Yes, she ★.

d. ★ Albuquerque in Mexico? No, it ★ .It ★ in New Mexico, the USA.

e. ★ Demi and Shakira from Spain? No, they ★.

f. Shakira ★ from Colombia and Demi ★ from the United States.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AmoraStudy
a) ARE
b) IS
c) IS … IS
d) IS … ISN’T … IS
f) IS … IS

Espero ter ajudado amg

Me coloca como mlr comentario PFVVV!!
Obrigada ❤️❤️

durvalfilho443: obrigado
AmoraStudy: Magina amgg, me coloca como mlr resposta pfv? Eu agradeceria muito
durvalfilho443: já coloquei
AmoraStudy: Valeuuuu ❤️❤️
durvalfilho443: eu que agradeço
Respondido por nathalia02122


a- Shakira and Demi are famous singers.

b- Demi is also a television actress

c- Is Shakira an Aquarius? Yes, she is.

d- Is Albuquerque in Mexico? No, it isn't, it is in New Mexico, the USA

e- Are Demi and Shakira from Spain? No, they aren't

f- Shakira is from Colombia and Demi is from the United States.

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